HomeCase23-year lasting migraine disappeared

23-year lasting migraine disappeared


this is a case that Petros Kattou posted today

A lady suffering 23 years with daily migraines and tension headaches not responding treatment resistant.

On a weekly basis she contacts the ER of hospital 🏥with infusion drips of Pethidine which is a synthetic opioid with sedative and analgesic properties.

Every treatment protocols of medications 💊,

  • Pain clinics,
  • RFA radio frequency ablation,
  • neurologists protocols of medications

and thus all conservative treatments

  • osteopathy,
  • chiropractic,
  • physiotherapy,
  • alternative medicine


Hear this lady desperate in agony and pain suffering with this debilitating chronic migraines, suffering with her lovely husband and family .

Call ☎ our team at SOZO brain 🧠 centers across the world 🌍 at www.sozobraincenter.com or + 357 70075020. @highlight Migraine Support Group Migraine & Head Pain Management Migraines and cluster headaches Migraine Australia #sozobraincenter #chronicpain #migrainesupport


Comment of Dr Heli Retzek

I have asked Petros about the treatment – exact details I cannot disclose as they are part of the SOZO NDA. It turned out that this was NOT AN EASY linear case and shows us, that we “specialists” need to be prepared not to give up but use pretty much all of our tools and knowledge.

In my humble opinion this case will probably not be finished and I guess we will find a tooth-problem as the main source of her suffering. Anyways it’s an amazing result after such a long time and so much other treatment-trials.


Petros answer

Dear Heli this case commence with us 1.5 years ago!

We where using XXX – stimulation for 6 weeks –> pain free

Then her symptoms commence in three months and we used XXX 3 weeks again

We tried YYYY it did not have any effect, we tried ZZZ  for 3 months no effect she brought it back

The only Brain-Stimulation device that helps her is XXX


the applied treatment-plan and devices used – password-protected for SOZO-fellowship-doctors – will be coming soon

If you are a doctor and want to learn this method goto https://sozobraincenter.com/get-certified/

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