HomeCaseCrippled in pain for years, improved with SOZΩ brain stimulation

Crippled in pain for years, improved with SOZΩ brain stimulation


Crippled in pain for years, improved with SOZΩ brain stimulation

Patient unable to work and move for 8 years due to a slipped disc and “failed back-surgery syndrome” with additional bladder paralysis who needs morphine and pain infusions, noticeably improved after a short time with brain stimulation.

Course of medical history

My dear friend Gori underwent 3 operations in 2015 after a slipped disc and has been a “crippled in pain” since then, permanently unable to work, needs morphine and constant pain infusions, CT-guided spinal infiltrations.

Her bladder is paralyzed and she has to be catheterized. Unfortunately, during the first operation a nerve root was accidentally severed. Even our orthopedic superstar Prof. Stefan Becker could not save the situation with 2 revision operations, but he could save her from a wheelchair.

In the meantime, of course, she has been to every PhTh, APM, acupuncturist, infiltrator, homeopathy, spiritual healing and meditation, etc. – all without improvement.

Today – only through this case – do we understand the background: a complex regional pain syndrome CRPS

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in Norman Doidge’s book, the “brain under fire” is described in detail in Chapter 1. We have now “cured” several such patients, some of whom have suffered from pain for decades – “thank you Petros”


I came back from Cyprus last week from Dr. Petros

Gori is there to get prescriptions for painkillers and I persuade her to use the brain stimulation that I learned from Dr. Petros.


The following testimonial during the treatment

…. is much better…. can walk almost normally…. can bend down…. the earache that I had for 2 months after a middle ear infection has also disappeared…. since the middle ear infection I haven’t heard anything in my ear… that’s good now



the next day at the second treatment

…. slept really well, her husband is delighted “it’s 100% better”, practically pain-free, has already lifted a chair (before that a kilo packet of coffee was borderline).


today is the third treatment

slept very deeply and soundly again, lifted 10kg of cat litter from the shopping cart into the car today, full mobility, hardly any pain, can no longer feel the screws in her back, no more painkillers.


and she still tells us

…. her bloated stomach has disappeared for 2 days, her brain fog (impaired thinking) has disappeared, she is completely clear in the head. ….



If a colleague wants to use this in their own practice

  1. an NDA is required because these protocols are legally protected because US private medical interests are behind them.
    The AIMIS institution in Cyprus is a private clinic in which the best of the best US doctors operate on and treat European patients.NDA = non-disclosure agreement – you are not allowed to disclose any details that could be used to copy the protocols.

2. the training and certification takes place in Cyprus directly with Dr. Petros Kattou and currently costs 3000.-


(c) HeliRetzek – Certificate in Cyprus with Dr. Kattou

from left to right Petros KattouDr. Helmut Retzek/AT – Dr. Vera Skarja/AT – Adel Rayess/Lebanon

this picture goes back to the summer of 2023 – only us 3 doctors where trained by Petros Kattou in Cyprus

  • a word to DO Adel Rayess – world famous (almost 8 million followers on various social channels) Osteopath in Lebanon / Beirut

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